Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Pack the Kids for Camp Lice Free

Summer camp is one of the most important times to be vigilant about head lice and take measures to protect your kids. Many summer camps, especially those with overnight stays, perform head lice checks on registration day. It can be frustrating and costly for a child to be delayed from orientation for treatment – or worse, sent home.

Second only to the common cold, head lice infestation remains the most frequent health issue facing children ages 3 to 11, with up to 12 million cases reported in the U.S. each year according to the CDC. Situations of close proximity and shared belongings increase the chances that your child may be exposed to head lice.  The good news is that advanced scientific research has produced innovative solutions that deliver efficacy through safe, non-toxic ingredients to not only treat lice but protect against possible infestation where there is a likelihood of exposure.

Before sending kids off to camp, parents should check their children for head lice. Lice can be present before there are any symptoms such as itching. Exponential growth of an infestation and the transmission of lice to others can occur before there are any telltale signs.

A switch to a protective lice shampoo in place of regular daily shampoo before, during and after camp is a simple step to gain peace of mind and a powerful tool to stop a potential infestation.  Parents should pack a protective shampoo for their children to use while at camp and for at least 10 – 14 days following camp to ensure any hitchhikers that come home are eliminated before an infestation can grow.

Brooke Coffelt, PharmD, a practicing pharmacist in Mississippi has treated lice infestations in both the inpatient and outpatient settings. “In situations where a child has been exposed to lice, I recommend to parents that they use the protective shampoo to kill any stray lice the child may have contracted for peace of mind.”

“Most lice products available to consumers are treatments which are not recommended for use unless you know your child has lice,” said Coffelt. “Parents want to know how they can be more proactive in protecting their children and what to do when they hear a fellow camper or classmate has lice. Vamousse Lice Protection daily shampoo is a breakthrough because it gives parents the ability to halt any lice their child may be exposed to and protect against an infestation by using only safe, pesticide-free ingredients. As a daily shampoo, it’s a simple swap in their normal routine.”

If you discover your child has lice before heading to camp, make sure to treat them in advance. When choosing a product, consider the speed and reliability of the treatment. Many lice treatments on the market rely on synthetic pesticides like pyrethrin and permethrin to kill lice, and studies have shown that lice have become increasingly resistant to these compounds.

Vamousse Lice Treatment, recommended for active infestations, kills lice and eggs with a single 15-minute application, including resistant lice because it works differently, killing lice by dehydration rather than synthetic chemicals.  No follow-up treatment is required since lice and eggs are killed during the first application, making lice elimination easier for families. Vamousse Lice Treatment is available nationwide at Walmart, CVS and Walgreens, and online and For further information on lice identification, pesticide resistance, and tips on battling lice visit

Don’t let head lice ruin a great vacation or summer camp experience. Get rid of the lice before they have the chance to ruin the fun.

For more information on losing the lice, click here.

About TyraTech
Established in 2004, TyraTech, Inc. (AIM: TYR and TYRU) is a life sciences company focusing on nature-derived insect and parasite control products that are as effective as traditional chemical options while providing a new level of safety for people, animals and the environment. TyraTech’s Nature’s Technology® leverages its patented scientific platform to provide a full range of biocides, head lice and insect repellent solutions.

The post Pack the Kids for Camp Lice Free appeared first on Tampa Bay Parenting.

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