Sprechen Sie Deutsch? If you’re a fluent German speaker, Visit Tampa Bay needs your help.
Starting Dec. 17, Tampa becomes a port of call for AIDAvita, a German cruise line. We’re looking for about a half-dozen volunteers who speak conversation-level German to greet 1,200 disembarking passengers at the port in Channelside and help them find their way during their 10 hours on shore. Can you explain how to use the TECO Historic Streetcar system auf Deutsch? Kannst du erklaren the virtues of lunch at the Columbia Restaurant? Then step on up and give it a try.
Volunteers need to be friendly, professional and very knowledgeable about Tampa Bay as a tourist destination. We’ll interview candidates (in English) to see how well they know their stuff. AIDAvita ships will return Jan. 7, Jan. 28, Feb. 18, March 11 and April 1. So there will be plenty of opportunities to help.
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