Friday, December 19, 2014

Florida Cracker cuisine gets to Shine

Tampa Bay's trendy Seminole Heights neighborhood sprouts two more cutting-edge restaurants today with the opening of Fodder & Shine and the Bourgeois Pig.

Fodder & Shine (@FodderandShine), 5910 N. Florida Ave., was created by Greg and Michelle Baker, owners of the award-winning Refinery restaurant a few blocks to the south.

The restaurant's "Heritage Florida Cracker" menu is built around the food served by Florida's earliest white settlers -- the so-called Crackers, named after the sound of the whips they used to herd cattle through the swamps and sand hills. Those early settlers developed a cooking style based on limited resources and what they had on hand.

The Bakers plan to stock their restaurant with ingredients that are native to Florida. They'll make for some adventurous eating.

Never heard of the Seminole pumpkin? Now's your chance to try one.

How about roasted bone marrow? That's also on the menu. 

There'll be roasted oysters with prickly pear cactus as well as mullet and ham.

The restaurant will also have a canning operation to preserve ingredients so they can be used out of season.

Fodder & Shine is set to open at 4 p.m.

A hour later and two miles to the north, the Bourgeois Pig will open its doors in a blue bungalow at 7701 N. Nebraska Ave.

Owners Lysa and Michael Bozel, recent transplants from California, promise "adult comfort food," from osso buco to beef rib stroganoff.

The Bozels plan a scaled-down menu for now as the first-time restaurant owners get their Bourgeois Pig to fly.





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