Friday, May 27, 2016

Comey cites advances, challenges in terror fight during Tampa speech

TAMPA - FBI director James Comey told a gathering of commandos and defense industry leaders on Wednesday that they must continually adapt to evolving threats from the Middle East.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Biden and Trump attend same commencement

Philadelphia Biden and Trump attend same commencement Donald Trump and Vice President Biden spent their Sunday evenings in an unusual mode: sitting quietly and listening to other people talk. Both came to the University of Pennsylvania's Franklin Field, with heavy security but little fanfare, for the School of Arts and …

Monday, May 2, 2016

Drink of the week: Mezcal margarita recipes for Cinco de Mayo

Forget the bucket of cheap Coronas, lackluster tacos and giant margaritas this Cinco de Mayo. Try something completely different: mezcal.